Blend Me Not

How long does it take for an expat to settle in South Korea? Well, that depends. As a Korean American, it has taken me 10 months, more or less. Even so, I might still be transitioning. Yes, it is trite, but time does seem to fly here. I attribute the arbitrary pace partly to the

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Korean Spa: Experiencing a jimjilbang

찜질방: Jimjilbang: A unique aspect of Korean culture and a must-do to experience while living in Korea. If you don’t know what a 찜질방 (jimjilbang) is, let me help you, it is a Korean spa that is separated by gender; men with other men and women with other women. Here is a breakdown of what to expect when

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Enjoying Spring Season as the Koreans Do

The past weekend’s sunny skies and warmer temperatures seem like a cruel tease with the sudden plummeting of temperatures over the last few days. Koreans call this sudden drop in temperatures just before spring “꽃샘추위” or kkot-sem-choo-eui, when the skies are said to become envious of the flowers beginning to bloom and bringing on a

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Cherry Blossoms in Korea

Regretfully, there are no 4 seasons in my own little country, however, looking at Facebook posts with those pleasantly blooming cherry blossom flowers popping up on my timeline makes my heart flutter, making me want to fly over to Japan or Korea just to have a glimpse of the pinkish or some are even reddish pink flowers.

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