Some Top Tips for Living In Korea

This time around, I’ve got some top tips for living in Korea. From Food to little known but very useful tidbits that will make your trip or living experience much more enjoyable and not so mind spinning. Learn how to hold chopsticks! Yeah I said it, It’s an obvious tip for sure. But you probably

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The What’s what of Hongdae

So Anyone who has been to Seoul, old or young has been to Hongdae at some stage of their trip and knows the what’s what of Hongdae. It’s a student area for sure but has something for everyone . Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants and even Cat Cafes. You wanna pet some cats while sipping on some

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Top 10 things to do in Seoul

So you just get of the plane at Incheon International Airport and you are wondering what you can do while you are in Seoul. Here is a list of Top 10 things to do in Seoul. Whether it’s your 1st time or 100th time, Seoul is so huge, your not going to find all of

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Accommodation in Korea

Accomodation in Korea is various really. Here is brief introduction to what is available to you in Korea. As a foreigner in Korea, There is some affordable options for accommodation in Korea. Sharehouses (쉐어하우스) are becoming more common these days, due to the high number of internationals moving to Korea now either for study, travel or

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