The Pie Hole

In Sinchon at the outskirts of the bar and nightlife area is a small café with the, for most westerners, the rather eye catching, name “The Pie Hole”. Whether the name is meant as a joke is unclear. Joke or not I’ve found it to be a great source of entertainment, but then I could

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Hand-in-Hand Burger Keeping it Real

Situated about halfway between Hongdae and Sinchon is a seemingly insignificant burger joint called Hand-in-hand Burger. Though the ceilings are high the place is small and minimalistic in their decoration, a bit factory like. Walking by you could easily dismiss it as just another burger joint serving up some mediocre stuff, and I would probably

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Top summer food in Korea

Summer is just around the corner in Seoul where the heat will be scorching and people will start flocking around beaches to cool their body heats. During this hot and humid weather, what are the few foods that you should enjoy to keep the heat down as well as help to strengthen your body metabolism?

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KFC Korean Fried Chicken

Too busy drooling over that picture of 양념치킨 (Yangnyeom Chicken)? Well, get ahold of yourself! 정신차려 (come back to earth), as the Koreans might say! Korean fried chicken is as mouth-wateringly succulent as the photos lead on, so before you run off to pick some up for yourself, do yourself a favour and check out Kimchee

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