The What’s what of Hongdae

So Anyone who has been to Seoul, old or young has been to Hongdae at some stage of their trip and knows the what’s what of Hongdae. It’s a student area for sure but has something for everyone . Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants and even Cat Cafes. You wanna pet some cats while sipping on some

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ToSokChon( 토속촌) is simply amazing. It’s one of those restaurants in Seoul that is never without a queue outside waiting to eat it delectable  samgyetang( 삼계탕). If you ask what makes this place so special. It has a special story related to a previous president of Korea and the soup is mouthwatering. The soup made with

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Korea’s Many Delicious Foods

Korean food might not have the exquisite and perfected design like Japanese food. Nor has it the large variety that Chinese cuisine offers. But it certainly has something to it that fascinates travellers from all over the world. The first the new arrivals should learn is ‘Kimchi‘, since this already takes half the space of

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